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Gain the insider knowledge to live comfortably (and safely) in Thailand.

Enjoy the real Thailand outside the “expat bubble”.

(And save money too.)

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Thailand is a haven for expats. But we can’t help but live in an Expat Bubble – especially if you can’t communicate in Thai.

Most of the time, Thailand is a safe and relatively inexpensive place to live. But it can be overwhelming. There are so many rules and regulations that can trip you up. As an outsider, you will inevitably spend much more for the same services as locals. And you will make costly (or dangerous) mistakes due to ignorance and lack of experience.

If you’re reading this, it’s likely you already know what an awesome, enchanting country Thailand is, or at least that’s what you’ve heard from your friends. With delicious food… smiling, friendly and tolerant people… incredible architecture and landscapes… unspoiled nature and warm weather, Thailand is as perfect as it gets.

And for single women, it’s relatively safe (despite being a bit of a “man’s world”). There is such an abundance of exotic and available Thai women (and even “ladyboys”) that many women feel it’s hard to compete! Thailand is also a haven for gays and lesbians. Western women can find love and intimacy in Thailand too (albeit not as easily as for men). Marriage visas and permanent residency is far more straightforward for women than for men.


Thailand can be heavenly. But you have to be either very knowledgeable about Thai culture or very lucky. You also need to be very tolerant about people and daily irritations, And you even need to moderate your principles about what is “right” and “wrong” .

Things can go badly wrong and it can come as a shock. Many people feel betrayed and then become very bitter about their experience. What initially seems to come easy (not just for men and their lovers, but for women too) can be fraught with difficulties and heartache.

For men as well as women, if you find a lover or intimate friend then it is often not at all what it seems, so be careful who you trust and don’t be too ready to commit to any relationship – whether a romantic one or a business one! And you need to be especially wary of other expats.

On the surface, Thailand is a wonderful place. We don’t have the senseless and ongoing violence and vandalism that is common in the west.

But it’s surprisingly easy to slip up, primarily because our perspective on life is radically different from how Thais (and the Thai authorities) see the world. We value truth and honesty and direct talking (well, maybe this is open for debate). We also tend have strong moral principles about fairness and justice. We expect things to work, and we expect minimum standards of service and safety. And we tend to be fairly relaxed about an individual person’s appearance or behavior because we value personal expression, individuality and freedom of speech.

Thailand is not like that at all. At least, it doesn’t seem to be. Thais (even the prostitutes) are ultra-conservative and believe very strongly in proper, appropriate and polite behavior.

This is what can get you into a lot of trouble, even serious injury or death, particularly if you feel strongly about your principles and right of expression.

That’s why I established Thailand Mentor.

Thailand is not the safe, saccharine environment that we are led to believe (thanks to slick marketing by the tourist authorities and suppression of detrimental news stories). It’s not a safe Disney World. There’s a shockingly high risk of being killed or injured in a traffic accident, for instance; or (surprisingly) of getting into serious trouble with the authorities (sometimes innocently, as a result of doing a “favor” for a newfound friend) and imprisoned for long sentences in hot, unhygienic and overcrowded prisons, not to mention the spiraling costs of legal and other fees.

These incidences aren’t so prevalent that it becomes common knowledge; but they occur often enough that one needs to be wary, nonetheless.

As for contracts (rent, insurance, etc.), there are certain clauses to look out for to avoid problems or losing money later on.

Similarly for medical and dental treatments. Hospitals and clinics are ruthless and profitable businesses where you might pay double to ten times the retail price for treatment, medicine and medical supplies. The doctors are mostly independent consultants who “rent” out the hospital facilities – so you should not rely solely on the reputation of the hospital, but do your due diligence on the doctor treating you.

I can coach and advise you on the best way to navigate Thai culture and avoid the hidden landmines in Thailand. I believe visitors and expats need to be aware of the darker, dangerous side of Thailand so that they can learn to avoid or minimize it.

My name is Gary Orman. I’ve lived in Amazing Thailand for twenty years now. I’m an expert on living and working in Thailand, and have helped dozens of people to live successfully in the Land of Smiles. In fact, by following my own advice, I was able to retire here when I was only 45 years old.

Click here to learn more about me and my travels.

So what makes me an expert? Well, for one, I’ve probably made all the mistakes you are likely to make and have simply been “lucky” not to have lost too much money. On several occasions, I’ve narrowly escaped ending up prison or fighting a protracted legal suit or being killed in a traffic accident. I’ve been cheated by women, business partners, suppliers and visa agencies. I’ve got sick and have been hospitalized and operated on, and I’ve lost a few teeth to incompetent dentists.

But in addition to all that, I also found a wonderful Thai woman (and nearly lost her a few times due to my own stubbornness and stupidity). I’ve learnt Thai and am relatively fluent in reading and speaking – so I can talk to local people directly, rather than work through go-betweens.

I’ve bought property and built on it with our own design (sans architects, engineers or professional developers). I’ve spent hours in maternity wards (and grappled with officious doctors). I’ve scoured the nursery schools, high schools and alternative education institutions. I’ve studied at a Thai university. And I started my own business (and recently a charitable foundation) and done my time at networking functions, and paid (and disputed) taxes.

Not to mention, I’ve navigated the labyrinth of visa regulations – and not always got it right (and paid fines and had to leave the country and start again due to my own mistakes or the mistakes of various visa agencies).

Like me, as first-time travelers to Thailand – and even some seasoned travelers – we make silly, expensive mistakes and needlessly put our lives at risk. Thailand can be the most wonderful experience and many people who visit here choose either to make it their second “winter” home or decide to settle here permanently. Don’t let avoidable slip-ups mar your experience of this wonderful country and its beautiful people.

Kathleen Kelly in You’ve Got Mail  was spot on  when she said:

People do really stupid things in foreign countries.

She’s right! I did too. You see, all our common sense seems to fly out the window when we’re “on vacation overseas” – or in a holiday frame of mind. In my first year here, everything seemed so cheap that I spent money like water. It only dawned on me a year or so later that I had spent about twice as much as necessary because I didn’t understand the local ways and how local people lived. Besides, those days (of a weak baht) are over. Thailand is no longer the cheap place it used to be, but with insider knowledge and careful planning one can still enjoy a better quality of life with a lower income than back at home.

How I can help you

Call me and I’ll share with you my many insights, tricks and secrets on how to stay in Thailand successfully. These secrets cost me a fortune and several difficult years of living in Thailand to figure out. If you talk with me beforehand, you’ll be able to pick my brains and uncover the mysteries of Thailand that not many people know about, not even those who’ve lived here far longer than me (because I can speak and read Thai and they can’t)..

You can truly be a Thailand insider, because I’ll show you:

  • How to save hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars/pounds/euros on your apartment or condo rental.
  • How to save substantially on renting or buying a motorbike or car.
  • Just about everything you need to know about buying land or property and building your own house. (Spoiler alert: it’s very risky, but if you can afford it then it can be fun.)
  • Where to find your Thai “soul mate” while in Thailand.
  • How to sustain your relationship with your Thai girlfriend (or boyfriend) while you’re back home in your own country. It’s almost impossible, but I’ll discuss intimate and practical details on how to improve your chances of doing so.
  • What you need to know about sex, drugs, gays and ladyboys in Thailand.
  • Especially for women, how to compete with the stunningly beautiful and the seemingly-demure Thai girls for men’s affections. And how to understand your relationship with a Thai man (or woman if you’re gay).
  • Which hospitals you should use for medical treatment and which ones to avoid. And, crucially, what you should look out for when buying insurance.
  • Where to find new friends and like-minded acquaintances.
  • What to do, and more importantly, what to never do while staying in Thailand.
  • How to avoid confrontation with the authorities and potentially huge fines or incarceration.
  • How to secure your property, even if it’s not in your own name (tip: condos can be 100% owned by you).
  • Things to consider about death/coma and wills, terminal illness, old age and dementia.
  • How to easily learn Thai if you want. (You should!)

We can start the process with a “Zoom Consult”. It’s a one-hour conversation to ascertain your particular questions and concerns, followed up with a summary report that sets out the appropriate advice and instructions for your next steps.

It’s guaranteed. I am confident that I will save you at least the cost of our call, but probably several times over. If you don’t feel the advice was worth it then I’ll provide an immediate, no-quibbles refund.

Found out more or book a consultation Find out more or book a consultation.
Zoom Call + Summary Report: ฿6,000 (about US$180 / £140 / €167 / AU$270/ CA$248)

Sure, you can search the internet and ask questions on Facebook groups and forums. So why pay me?

  1. I’ve lived in Thailand for 20 years… in Bangkok for the first seven years and then Chiang Mai. I know this country, it’s laws and politics better than most foreigners (and even some Thais) because I’ve studied Thai culture and politics extensively, not to mention trying to understand how Thai people think.
  2. I speak Thai fluently which allows me to understand the Thai people and culture much more than retirement experts who don’t speak the language.
  3. My Thai wife and I are well connected to (scrupulous) attorneys, real estate agents, suppliers & professionals and successful entrepreneurs.
  4. The advice and assistance I give you will save you time and the hassle of making dead-end decisions. Above all, I could literally save your life or a serious injury, not to mention help you to avoid trouble with the police and save you a fortune in exorbitant rents, unrefunded deposits, unnecessarily expensive medical treatment and scams. But even if you don’t care about the money (or your life!) then let me at least show you how to get the most out of your stay in Thailand.

I’ve seen it many, many times — people trying to save a little money by going it alone (we’re all intelligent, seasoned travelers, after all!) and end up spending much more than bargained for. Even the people who’ve researched the websites and forums extensively and have studied all the books and guides on Thailand still make costly mistakes.

Click here to read what happened to some people that I know.

I’m looking forward to chatting with you soon.
Gary Orman,
“Expat Expert

Your money will be promptly refunded if you’re not 100% satisfied with the insider knowledge you will receive.

Found out more or book a consultation Find out more or book a consultation.

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